
9th February 2022

Planning permission granted for solar array on Green Belt land

JTS has secured planning permission for a ground mounted solar array on Green Belt land in west Kent on behalf of the County Authority. We successfully demonstrated that the harm caused to the Green Belt, by reason of inappropriateness, is minimal and limited to the site itself. The site will maintain an agricultural use with sheep grazing.  The creation of lowland meadows and the installation of bat boxes will provide significant improvements to biodiversity and habitats. The consent lasts for the lifetime of the solar panels (30 years) following which the site will be decommissioned and returned to its original condition.  There is an urgent need reflected in National and Local Policies for reducing carbon emissions to limit the damaging impacts of climate change. The approved scheme will generate 3MWp supply to the district grid, making a significant contribution towards reducing carbon emissions per annum.

Conservation, Planning