The JTS Partnership have secured planning permission through a householder appeal against a refusal from London Borough of Havering. The proposal for a two storey rear extension and external alterations to a detached dwelling, followed a previously refused planning application and dismissed appeal, for which JTS had no involvement.
The dwelling in question fell within the Gidea Park Conservation Area and was a 1911 Exhibition House.

The client came to JTS following the refusal of their revised planning application in October 2019. The application had been refused on the ground that the proposed development would:
“by reason of its design, roof form, fenestration, massing, bulk and scale, be an unsympathetic, visually intrusive development and result in the loss of all original features and details of the rear elevation and distort the distinctive roof form of this 1911 Exhibition house, which would not preserve or enhance the special character of this part of the Conservation Area”
Decision Notice dated 23 October 2019
JTS reviewed the documentation and considered that there was a case for an appeal to be made and on instruction from the client, prepared a Written Statement of Case And submitted the appeal.
As this was a householder appeal, the local planning authority (LPA) were reliant upon their Delegated Report, but did suggest planning conditions.
Following a site visit being undertaken in early March, the Inspector determined that the proposed extension would not harm the character of the Conservation Area, nor that of the non-designated heritage asset of the dwelling and allowed the appeal, granting planning permission. In attaching conditions, the Inspector revised those suggested by the LPA to ensure that there are no pre-commencement conditions.
If you are considering an extension to your home, or have recently received a refusal for an application, please give us a call, or send us an email and we would be happy to review and discuss your options available.