Full planning permission has been granted by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, for the refurbishment of the customer front terrace area to include the provision of a new butterfly awning, decking, fixed seating and booth seats at a pub site in London.
The proposed development preserves the living conditions of the occupiers of neighbouring properties when compared to current existing conditions in that the front courtyard is already in use as a beer garden associated with this C19th historic public house. The proposals would not result in any significant change in the nature or pattern of the use of the beer garden.
The replacement of the existing garden furniture and parasols with new booth seats and a butterfly awning will simplify the appearance of the forecourt and cause no harm to the setting of the building or the Conservation Area. The case officer agreed with this assessment and recommended the Planning Committee to grant planning permission with the suggested conditions.
The Committee Members were satisfied with the proposed development and, accordingly, unanimously voted to grant planning permission.