Full planning permission has been granted by Ipswich Borough Council for the erection of a two-storey, self-build dwelling to the rear of a site in Ipswich.
The site lies within the main built-up area close to, and easily accessible from, the town centre. The new dwelling sits comfortably within the site and is of a high quality, contemporary design. It has an appropriate means of access and will provide a residential environment without harming the amenity of any neighbour.
The case officer agreed with us and concluded that the proposed design and layout of the development, whilst contemporary, would not be detrimental to the character and appearance of the area. It would not have an unacceptable impact on the residential amenities of neighbouring properties and it would meet the requirements to enhance biodiversity. As such, the case officer recommended that the Planning Committee grant planning permission subject to a suite of reasonably suggested planning conditions.
The Committee Members were satisfied with the proposed development and, accordingly, unanimously voted to grant planning permission.