JTS successfully secured planning permission to demolish the existing triple garage and construct a detached dwelling with associated car parking and amenity space at a residential site in Pilgrims Hatch, Brentwood.
The proposal will provide the future occupier with high quality residential accommodation without compromising the amenity enjoyed by neighbouring residential occupiers, including that of the host dwelling. The proposal provides access, parking, storage and amenity areas in accordance with relevant local plan policies and will cause no harm to the natural environment or the setting of the adjacent listed building. The new dwelling is compatible with the character of the locality and is compliant with national and local planning policies. It will make the best use of urban land and is situated in a sustainable location. It is compatible with the character of the locality and takes support from national and local plan policies.
The Council agreed that the proposed development is considered to accord with the relevant policies of the BLP and therefore granted planning permission subject to conditions.