We have recently secured listed building consent for internal and external alterations and refurbishments to a Grade II* listed building in Manchester. The one item identified as potentially having a minor negative impact is the proposal to relocate the existing gents’ toilets to the basement. We argued that less than substantial impact may arise, but […]
Full planning permission has been granted by the London Borough of Hounslow for the refurbishment of the customer garden at a pub site in Chiswick. The approved development includes two pergolas, with retractable canvas roofs, and an extension of the external service area, including the erection of screen fencing, to enable the stationing of two […]
The JTS Partnership has helped to secure a householder planning permission for the alteration and extension of our client’s dwelling (which used to be a Barn) in Martlesham, Suffolk. The planning application was made following the grant of a Lawful Development Certificate for the use of the Barn as a single dwelling house. This Certificate […]
JTS has successfully negotiated planning permission for the redevelopment of a former car showroom as a mobility and care products showroom, with photovoltaic panels on the roof. Officers considered the proposal would enhance the locality and improve the street scene.
JTS held a Bake-off competition on the 26th November 2018. All kind donations received from the sale of the cakes have been passed to St Francis Hospice, Havering-atte-Bower, Romford.
JTS has successfully secured planning permission for change of use from place of worship (D1 Use Class) to mobility and care products showroom with ancillary storage (sui-generis). The application site had a history of A1 and car sales showroom use. The Council considered that whilst the proposals would result in the loss of a community […]
JTS has been successful in securing a resolution to grant permission, subject to a S106 Agreement, on a regeneration site in the heart of Sittingbourne. The application is for a mixed use development comprising 165 residential apartments, spanning 3 separate blocks all with private balconies; a medical centre and pharmacy; the refurbishment and extension of […]
JTS has negotiated planning permission and listed building consent to change the use made of a vacant drinking establishment to an estate agent’s office in Whitstable. The Local Planning Authority agreed that the proposed use would complement the shopping function of the area without threatening its viability and that it would not result in an […]
Following nine months of detailed pre-application discussions with planning and urban design officers, and the submission of an application for full planning permission, the Members of Brentwood Borough Council unanimously decided, at a meeting on Tuesday 4th September, to grant planning permission for a mixed use scheme comprising ground floor commercial units with 19 flats […]